Can Cockapoos Eat Cheese?

Many posts and questions are submitted online to different sites and forums asking the same type of question – “Can cockapoos eat…”. In this post, we will discuss one of the most common questions “can cockapoos eat cheese?”. This is because dog owners usually use cheese as a reward and treat. The problem with questions like this is that the answer is not a simple yes or no.

Cheese, though, is not inherently toxic to cockapoos and other dogs. However, some dogs have a sensitivity to lactose-based products. If they consume cheese, they can potentially suffer from stomach upsets. Even when dogs are not lactose intolerant or sensitive, cheese is not always the best choice as it is incredibly high in fat and can increase your dog’s weight more than is healthy.

If you are thinking about giving your dog some cheese, there are some considerations you need to make first.

Cheese As High-Value Rewards

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Many dog trainers with various credentials recommend small pieces of cheese as high-value rewards during training. High-value rewards are those that dogs will be keen to have and want to work hard to get. You help make them high value by only using them sparingly and when your dog does something particularly good. If not, there is a chance that cheese will lose its value.

Dogs That May Benefit From Cheese

In addition to using cheese as a high-value reward when training your dog, you can also use this delicious dairy product to supplement your dog’s diet. If your cockapoo needs to gain a few more pounds or is not getting enough protein, adding some cheese to their food or as a snack before or after meals can help.

The great thing about cheese is that it is easy to work with, and calculating the calorie count for a portion of cheese is simple.

It’s important to note, though, that you should avoid using cheese to replace your dog’s regular meal or have cheese as a huge part of it. Cheese instead should be used as a supplement, garnish or bonus.

Cheese is also a great choice if you have an older dog with no appetite for its regular food. Dogs often find the smell and taste of it irresistible. Furthermore, as it is high in calcium, it can help strengthen your dog’s bones.

Dogs You Should Not Give Cheese

If you have a cockapoo with a weight problem already or know it puts on weight very easily and quickly, cheese is not the best treat for you. Remember, cheese is extremely high in fat. Although you could give your cockapoo lower-fat cheese if they have weight issues, it is best to avoid cheese altogether.

What Kinds of Cheese Are Safe?

One of the best options for cockapoos if you are going to give them cheese is cheddar. It is affordable and has various strengths, from mild to extra mature and strong. While your dog may prefer the stronger varieties, you must remember that the stronger and more mature cheeses are also the fattier ones.

For instance, you should avoid any cheese that has added ingredients, like onion or garlic, as both are poisonous to all dogs, including cockapoos. Other cheeses you should avoid giving your dog are the high-fat, soft varieties like camembert and brie, as these are too rich and can cause your dog to have stomach issues.


In conclusion, cheese can be a great supplement and choice for a high-value reward if your cockapoo does not have a notable intolerance to lactose-rich food or weight issues. You can safely include cheese in your cockapoos diet if you monitor how much he or she consumes