Article published in El País supplement "Retina" hightlights work by IOCAG's GPIT division

The ULPGC website reports that "Retina" has carried an article entitled "Siga a esa duna: cómo salvar un ecosistema por tierra, mar y aire" (Follow that dune: how to save an ecosystem by land, sea and air) which details the contribution of research group Data Processing and Remote Sensing (GPIT) to the project Masdunas. Dr. Francisco Eugenio González, coordinator of the division, explained how the support of technology appropriate to the needs of terrain had been key from the beginning of the project, the first phase of which concluded in December 2019.
Dr. Eugenio González indicated how improvements in the taking of measurements from satellites located several hundred kilometres above had greatly advanced thanks to the progress made in the ARTeMISAT projects which specialised in this field, but pointed out that the inclusion of drones provided increased accuracy still. With the use of such technology, a more far-reaching characterisation of an ecosystem can be achieved: detecting and locating invasive species, determining the quality of water and identifying varieties of the same species, among other aspects.

Access to the ULPGC webpage can be found here and the article itself in "Retina" (El País) here.