Isis Comas Rodríguez
Recent publications
Pérez Hernández, M. D., Hernández-Guerra, A., Comas-Rodríguez, I., Benítez-Barrios, V. M., Fraile-Nuez, E., Pelegrí, J. L., Naveira-Garabato, A. C., 2017. Differences between 1999 and 2010 across the Falkland Plateau: fronts and water masses. Ocean Science, 13, 577-587.
Pérez-Hernández, M. D., Hernández-Guerra, A., Fraile-Nuez, E., Comas-Rodríguez, I., Benítez-Barrios, V. M., Domínguez-Yanes, J. F., Vélez-Belchí, P., De Armas, D., 2013. The source of the Canary current in fall 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 2874-2891.
Fraile-Nuez, E., González-Dávila, M., Santana-Casiano, J. M., Arístegui, J., Alonso-González, I. J., Hernández-León, S., Blanco, M. J., Rodríguez-Santana, A., Hernández-Guerra, A., Gelado-Caballero, M. D., Eugenio, F., Marcello, J., de Armas, D., Domínguez-Yanes, J. F., Montero, M. F., Laetsch, D. R., Vélez-Belchí, P., Ramos, A., Ariza, A. V., Comas-Rodríguez, I., Benítez-Barrios, V. M., 2012. The submarine volcano eruption of El Hierro Island: physical-chemical perturbation and biological response. Nature Scientific Reports , 2, 486.
Comas Rodríguez, I., Hernández-Guerra, A., Fraile-Nuez, E., Martínez-Marrero, A., Benítez-Barrios, V. M., Pérez-Hernández, M. D., Vélez-Belchí, P., 2011. The Azores Current System from a meridional section at 24.5ºW. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, C09021.
Comas-Rodríguez, I., Hernández-Guerra, A., McDonagh, E. L., 2010. Referencing geostrophic velocities using ADCP data at 24.5ºN (North Atlantic). Scientia Marina, 74, 331-338.