News Latest News 2025-01-22PLOCAN - The Canary Islands Oceanic Platform Publishes Its Job Offers2024-11-282nd Opening Sessions for the 2024-2025 Academic Year of the Doctoral Program in Oceanography and Global Change (DOYCAG), organized by the Academic Committee2024-06-102nd Informative Sessions of the Doctoral Program in Oceanography and Global Change (DOYCAG), organized by the Academic Committee 2023-06-27PhD presentation Manuel Serrano Crespo 07 th July. 2023 2023-06-26Qué son las tierras raras, materiales clave para fabricar móviles, microondas o molinos eólicos 2023-06-26Investigating temporal trends of Asian-derived aerosols in the NE subarctic Pacific Ocean 2023-06-26Copper-binding ligands in the Arctic Ocean and the role of the Transpolar Drift 2023-06-26Zonal Circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean at 52ºW from WOCE-WHP and CLIVAR sections: 1997, 2003 and 2012 2023-06-26Iron binding ligands in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (Scale Cruise 2019, Spring and Winter) 2023-06-25PhD presentation Ángela Mosguera Giménez 23 th June. 2023 2023-06-25PhD presentation Juan Alberto González Santana 23 th June. 2023 2023-04-29Memoria anual 2022. Legislación vigente en materia de transparencia y normativa propia de la ULPGC 2023-04-20The ephemeral fumarolic mineralization of the 2021 Tajogaite volcanic eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) 2023-03-27XXXVI JORNADAS DE CAMPO DEL GRUPO GEOGRAFÍA FÍSICA 2023. LA PALMA 2023-02-22CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Y SU RELEVANCIA PARA CANARIAS. CABILDO DE GRAN CANARIA. CONSEJO INSULAR ENERGÍA 2023-02-07Foro Internacional de Ecoislas 2023-01-19Visita de los miembros de la Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI) de nuestra Universidad 2023-01-19Generation and dissipation of oceanic internal gravity waves 2023-01-10ASOF workshop 10-12 May 2023, Las Palmas 2023-01-09Las aguas canarias «secuestran» 280.000 toneladas de CO2 al año Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9… Next page Next › Last page Last »