Physical Oceanography and Climate Change

What we do
The GOF covers a wide spectrum of research within the area of geophysical fluid dynamics. The scope of their work spans atmospheric mesoscale meteorology, air-sea interactions, large-scale to mesoscale ocean dynamics and regional oceanography (observational and modeling) being the focus on Physical Oceanography and Climate Change and its impacts.
This group has always believed that quality research must be done in collaboration to acquire new methodologies and diverse points of view. Hence, our researchers not only collaborate nationally and internationally with other groups but try to forge a network for student exchanges. Since 2018 the group is part of a collaborative effort between the Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) called Unidad Asociada Océano y Clima, designed to increase the already existing collaboration between two national entities. The Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM) of the CSIC in Barcelona is the collaborative institution of this Unidad Asociada. We have just finished a common project funded by the Plan Nacional called the South Atlantic Gateway in the global conveyor belt (SAGA) that was carried out from 1999 to 2002.
Currently, the Plan Nacional has funded another project dealing with the South Atlantic COnections (SACO) for the period 2023-2026. In addition, the group also has tight links with researchers from the Canary Oceanographic Center (COC) of the CSIC and since 1993 the groups have been working together in monitoring the Canary Current and giving students a first hands-on field experience.
Internationally, the group maintains an active collaboration since 1999 with researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts, USA, including several student exchanges, a postdoctoral investigator contract, a sabbatical research year and more than 10 publications in common. In 2010, the group also started to collaborate with the National Oceanographic Center (NOC), Southampton, U.K. This collaboration led to a collaboration with researchers now in the University of Bergen and in the Maynooth University of Ireland. This has led to several student exchanges and to more than 5 publications in common. Later, in 2011, after a sabbatical research year at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), California, USA, a collaboration with researchers of the institution has led him to publications and more student exchanges. Further collaborations exist with the Universities of Iceland and La Sorbonne and the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) of Miami. As a result of this collaborative network, the Ph.D. students of the group have worked after defending, in the COC of the CSIC, at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland, at WHOI, at the Georgia Institute of Technology and in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Underwater Noise Propagation Analysis
This research is based on the study of the underwater Noise Propagation Analysis. It is mainly focused on the modeling of underwater noise associated with offshore wind turbines individually or in the form of farms and, also, with any other marine-maritime anthropic activity that has an impact on the environment. Different underwater noise propagation models in the area affected by the installation or economic activity are used.
These simulations, in addition to the analysis of the predominant noise levels and frequencies, take into account the temperature and salinity measurements of the water column and the geoacoustic model of the seabed (the bathymetry of the area, the number of layers of different soil or substrates, bottom sound speed, bottom density and attenuation) throughout the entire modeling section. The result of these simulations will allow us to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals, in particular, and marine ecosystems, in general. These simulations will be validated through in situ measurements of underwater noise using hydrophones.
Alonso Hernández Guerra
Large Scale Circulation in the North Atlantic
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) of the ocean plays a central role in climate and climate variability by storing and transporting heat, fresh water and carbon around the globe. The North Atlantic Basin, is a primary site where deep water is formed. Therefore, it is important to understand and characterize these convective formation areas.
In addition, the seasonality of the AMOC highly correlates with the seasonality of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre current system. Hence, we are in a great location to monitor this relationship between the AMOC and the eastern boundary. This oceanic circulation is far more complicated than previously admitted and we refer now to it as the global overturning circulation (GOC). The GOC includes deep water formation in both hemispheres (in the North Atlantic and Southern oceans) as well as large wind-driven upwelling in the Southern Ocean and important internal diapycnal transformation in the deep Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Under the WOCE project carried out in the 80s and 90s, mass, heat and freshwater transports of the overturning circulation have been determined. The objective of this research is to process and analyze past and new transoceanic sections carried out during the XXI century under the go-ship program and maintain systematic observations in the South Atlantic and Canary Basin. We will compare the results with previous measurements to determine the changes in the overturning circulation and its link with global change. Special attention will be on the link between the Canary Current and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
The AMOC, which is composed by the south-north circulation, transports 18Sv (1Sv=106m3/s) of water that carries more that 1.5PW (1PW=1015W) of heat to the North Atlantic, and therefore plays a determining role in regulating the climate in Europe. Since 2004 the Rapid Array has made possible estimations of the AMOC systematically. The first analysis of these continuous estimations indicates, for the first time, that there is a strong seasonal cycle in the AMOC, with an amplitude of 6.7 Sv peak to peak.
The minimum northward transport is in March and the maximum in is October. Most of this seasonal variability, 5.4 Sv, may be explained alone by the contribution of the eastern Atlantic component of the Rapid array.
Mª Dolores Pérez Hernández
Ocean-Atmosphere interactions
We are involved in the study of atmosphere-ocean interaction phenomena on a diurnal scale (sea breezes), particularly in the eastern islands. For islands with significant relief, the aim is to study the interaction between the eddies generated in the atmosphere and how they influence or interact with the development of the breezes.
Internal waves and mesoscale eddies
My current research focuses on the study of the formation, evolution and characterization of eddies in the Canary Current region, particularlly in the Canary Eddy Corridor.
Also in the study of internal waves, especially the interaction between near-inertial waves and mesoscale eddies. Currently, there is a great interest in studying these phenomena.
They have a significant impact on the oceanic biological carbon pump, which is an essential process for regulating the Earth's climate. Additionally, they cause small-scale deep mixing, which increases the potential energy of the interior ocean water mass, thereby maintaining the Meridional Overturning Circulation.
Antonio Martínez Marrero
- The South Atlantic Circulation Between 34.5°S, 24°S and Above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge From an Inverse Box Model
- The South Atlantic Circulation Between 34.5°S, 24°S and Above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge From an Inverse Box Model
- The South Atlantic Circulation Between 34.5°S, 24°S and Above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge From an Inverse Box Model