Aridane González González
Born in Agüimes, a village in the southeast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain), Dr. González obtained his Bachelor's degree in Marine Sciences (2001-2006), Master's degree (2006-2008), and Doctorate in Oceanography from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. His doctoral thesis was conducted within the QUIMA research group from 2007 to 2011 under a Research Personnel Training (FPI) contract from the Ministry of Science.
The thesis focused on the redox chemistry of iron in the presence of organic ligands exuded by microalgae in seawater, as well as the effect of nutrients on the oxidation of Fe(II), the oxidation of Cu(I), and the interaction between these essential metals, Fe and Cu. After completing his thesis, he embarked on a postdoctoral stage with an initial contract in the QUIMA group (2011-2012) to conduct further studies on the interaction of Fe with microalgae exudates in seawater. Subsequently (2012-2014), he joined the GET (CNRS, Toulouse) to conduct geochemical studies on metal adsorption, assimilation, isotopic fractionation, X-ray absorption, etc., and their interaction with various organisms such as mosses, soil bacteria, cyanobacteria, among others. During this period, in collaboration with the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, he also conducted studies on the impacts of silver nanoparticles on microorganisms.
Later, after securing a contract in the French excellence program LabexMer, he continued his research at LEMAR (IUEM, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France). During this period (2015-2017), he studied Fe organic ligands in different regions of the planet, from the Southern Ocean to the Central Arctic and Bermuda. In this period, he also continued studies on the interaction of Fe with unique organic compounds excreted by marine organisms.
In 2017, he began his new postdoctoral stage in the QUIMA group at ULPGC with his own competitive contract, and in 2020, he started his tenure as an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at ULPGC, in the field of Organic Chemistry.
Research interests
- Physico-chemical reactions of Fe and Cu in natural waters
- Fe and Cu organic speciation in natural waters
- Biogeochemistry of Fe and Cu in natural waters
- Biogeochemical cycles of Fe and Cu
- Heavy metal bioindicators