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Additional information:

Luis Hernández Calvento

Luis Hernández Calvento has a degree in Geography and History, specializing in Physical Geography (University of Barcelona, 1992), is specialist in Cartography, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (University of Alcalá, 1996) and a Doctor in Geography (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ULPGC, 2002). He has had an active participation in the development of research lines on arid coastal aeolian sedimentary systems and on the coasts of hot-spot volcanic islands within the Geography, Environment and Geographic Information Technologies research group of the Institute of Oceanography and Global Change, ULPGC.

Luis has carried out research and teaching stays at the Universities of Guadalajara (Mexico), Talca (Chile), Alcalá (Spain) and Ulster (United Kingdom). Professor of Physical Geography at the Department of Geography of the ULPGC, most of his teaching has been oriented towards subjects related to Physical Geography, Geographic Information Technologies and Territorial Planning at the Faculty of Geography and History, also at Master and Doctorate levels at the Faculty of Marine Sciences, as well as in Erasmus Intensive Programs (European Union).

He has been a member of the directive board of the Geographic Information Technologies Group of the Association of Spanish Geographers (AGE). He is currently Vice-Rector of Undergraduates, Postgraduates and New Degrees of the ULPGC.

Research interests

The Luis’ main research interests are on arid coastal aeolian sedimentary systems and on the coasts of hot-spot volcanic islands. His fundamental objectives, in both areas, are the identification and characterization of natural processes and the human interactions that modify them, in the context of global change, using Geographic Information Technologies.