Noticias Últimas noticias 2019-04-15The seminar program in Taliarte resumes 2019-03-15ICES and the Associated Unit CSIC/ULPGC warn of the northward expansion of ocean deserts 2019-03-11Further news coverage in Canarias 7 and El Diario on the associated R+D+i associated unit Ocean and Climate 2019-03-04Thesis presentation in Taliarte 2019-02-22Senior ULPGC Lecturer Dr. Alonso Hernández Guerra to represent universities on the Spanish Ocean Observation Committee 2019-02-16Two new research presentations as part of the Taliarte Seminar Program 2019-02-11Work on the ARTeMISat-2 project continues 2019-02-04Canarias 7 and El Día report on the study of ocean acidification at regional level 2019-02-01Further research presentations in Taliarte 2019-01-31Universities monitor the Maspalomas Dunes 2019-01-24Research project DUNCAN continues 2019-01-21Ph.D. research presentation: Adelina de la Jara Valido 2019-01-02The ULPGC establishes itself as a benchmark in subtropic oceanography 2018-12-13IOCAG collaborates on GEOMAR project to artificially fertilize ocean deserts 2018-12-07La Provincia reports on the pooling of ULPGC and CSIC resources 2018-12-05The ULPGC and CSIC form an associated unit 2018-12-03The islands are losing their beaches 2018-11-30The islands' beaches under threat 2018-11-30Article on Toxic Blooms takes front cover of Nature Climate Change Journal 2018-11-29Videos of The Archipelago and the Ocean congress Primera página « First Página anterior ‹ Previous … Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Página actual 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15… Siguiente página Next › Última página Last »