Noticias Últimas noticias 2020-07-07Contributions by QUIMA researchers in the VII International Symposium on Marine Science 2020-07-03Online presentation by Camila Artana 2020-07-03La Provincia reports on the ocean research work still afloat in the Canary Islands , 2020-07-01Online presentation to be given by guest speaker Camila Artana 2020-06-26Presentation given by PhD student Néstor Marrero 2020-06-26Link to Nestor Marrero's Thesis Presentation , 2020-06-23Online thesis presentation by PhD student Néstor Marrero 26 June 2020-06-22IOCAG's QUIMA divsion to play key role in CARBOCAN 2020-06-19Second session of online thesis presentations , 2020-06-18Javier Arístegui ULPGC coordinator of OceanNETs project to start 01 July 20202020-06-12Online presentation of thesis given by PhD student María Couret 2020-06-12Online presentation of thesis given by PhD student María Couret 2020-06-10Several publications report on the data given by IOCAG researchers in MAC-CLIMA presentations 2020-06-09Recording of MAC-CLIMA talks given by IOCAG researchers on 8th June 2020-06-03Various IOCAG members to participate in MAC-CLIMA online workshop , 2020-05-19Article published in El País supplement "Retina" hightlights work by IOCAG's GPIT division 2020-05-18IOCAG member Santiago Hernández León interviewed by former student 2020-05-18New article en El Día highlights need for R+D to be part of Canary Social and Economic Revitalisation Covenant 2020-05-15 María Dolores Pérez Hernández explains use of online platforms and teaching aids for remote classes 2020-05-11Call for Project Support Technician/Oferta de Trabajo: Personal de apoyo en proyecto (PACP1) Primera página « First Página anterior ‹ Previous … Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Página actual 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10… Siguiente página Next › Última página Last »