Noticias Últimas noticias 2020-05-01Paper by M. Dolores Pérez Hernández one of the most read in JCR Oceans 2020-04-22The ULPGC publishes an article on the international research in which Aridane González González is participating 2020-04-20Video conference Melchor González Dávila 2020-04-13IOCAG's QUIMA division makes new blog entry to coincide with paper publication 2020-04-08IOCAG's QUIMA division responsible for physiochemical development of recently anchored buoy 2020-04-06Will Covid-19 mean future cuts in funding for science? 2020-03-30Newspaper interview with IOCAG's Aridane González González 2020-03-19Radio Interview with María Dolores Pérez Hernández , 2020-03-17IOCAG member publishes article in "The Conversation" 2020-03-16IOCAG members attend UNESCO meeting in Cabo Verde 2020-03-12Presentation given by Dr. Eleanor Frajka-Williams in Taliarte 2020-03-11IOCAG post doctoral researcher named as scientific reviewer for IPCC2020-03-02Presentation by guest speaker in Taliarte 6th March 2020 2020-03-02Presentation by guest speaker in Taliarte 6th March 2020 2020-02-28Alonso Hernández Guerra talks on radio CadenaSer about need for research vessel in Canary Islands 2020-02-21IOCAG member to give talk in Elder Museum 2020-02-18More details on participation of IOCAG PhD students in scientific sessions over coffee2020-02-18Strong turnout for presentation given by Dr. Melchor González Dávila in Taliarte 2020-02-18Strong turnout for presentation by Dr Melchor González Dávila in Taliarte 2020-02-18CSIC takes action to secure continuation of research in the Canary Islands Primera página « First Página anterior ‹ Previous … Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Página actual 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11… Siguiente página Next › Última página Last »