Noticias Últimas noticias 2019-11-19Seminar presentation Carolina Santana González 2019-11-14Conference on Carrying Capacity 20th November 2019 2019-11-13Presentation in Taliarte on 15th November 2019-11-04María Dolores Pérez Hernández awarded the Kostas Nittis Medal 2019 2019-10-25IOCAG researcher Javier Arístegui gives conference in the Parliament of the Canary Islands 2019-10-24Call for technician/Oferta de Trabajo: Personal Técnico (TCP4) 2019-10-22Dr Theodore Packard opens this year's seminar cycle in Taliarte 2019-10-22Climate crisis threatening 10% of the Islands' GDP 2019-10-17Seminars in Taliarte begin for the academic year 2019-20 2019-10-10SCOR WG EBUS 155 Summer School 2020 , 2019-10-08The ULPGC publishes details of the COMFORT project 2019-10-04IOCAG researchers on oceanographic campaign in Sub-Arctic region 2019-10-03Several IOCAG members among the most quoted scientists in Spain 2019-10-02Javier Arístegui: one of two Spaniards involved in the drawing up of UN SROCC , 2019-09-27ULPGC researchers warn of potentially catastrophic loss of Canary coastline due to global warming , 2019-09-13Study recommends creation of climate change observatory on Fuencaliente coast , 2019-09-05Solar energy sustaining marine ecosystems is captured mainly by bacteria 2019-09-04Further information on the dust-laden Calima wind and the age of the Sahara 2019-09-02IOCAG to head a study on the role of the South Atlantic in climate change 2019-07-30More details on the four routes included in the Georoutes app Primera página « First Página anterior ‹ Previous … Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Página actual 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13… Siguiente página Next › Última página Last »