Isabel Baños Cerón

Recent publications

Schulz, K. G., Achterberg, E., Arístegui, J., Bach, L. T., Baños, I., Boxhammer, T., Erler, D., Igarza, M. C., Kalter, V., Ludwig, A., Löscher, C., Meyer, J., Meyer, J., Minutolo, F., Von der Esch, E., Ward, B. B., Riebesell, U., 2021. Nitrogen loss processes in response to upwelling in a Peruvian coastal setting dominated by denitrification-A mesocosm approach. Biogeosciences, 18, 4305–4320.

Baumann, M., Taucher, J., Allanah, J. P., Heinemann, M., Vanharanta, M., Bach, L. T., Spilling, K., Ortiz, J., Arístegui, J., Hernández-Hernández, N., Baños, I., Riebesell, U. 2021. Effect of Intensity and Mode of Artificial Upwelling on Particle Flux and Carbon Export

Bach, L. T., Paul, A. J., Boxhammer, T., Von der Esch, E., Graco, M., Schulz, K. G., Achterberg, E., Aguayo, P., Arístegui, J., Ayón, P., Baños, I., Bernales, A., Boegeholz, A. S., Chavez, F., Chavez, G., Chen, S., Doering, K., Filella, A., Fischer, M., Grasse, P., Haunost, M., Hennke, J., Hernández-Hernández, N., Hopwood, M., Igarza, M. C., Kalter, V., Kittu, L., Kohnert, P., Ledesma, J., Lieberum, C., Lischka, S., Löscher, C., Ludwig, A., Mendoza, U., Meyer, J., Meyer, J., Minutolo, F., Ortiz Cortes, J., Piiparinen, J., Sforna, C., Spilling, K., Sanchez, S., Spisla, S., Spisla, C., Sswat, M., Zavala Moreira, M., Riebesell, U., 2020. Factors controlling plankton community production, export flux, and particulate matter stoichiometry in the coastal upwelling system off Peru. Biogeosciences, 17 (19), 4831-4852.

Baños, I., Montero, M.F., Benavides, M., Arístegui, J., 2020. INT Toxicity over Natural Bacterial Assemblages from Surface Oligotrophic Waters: Implications for the Assessment of Respiratory Activity. Microbial Ecology.

Filella, A., Baños, I. Montero, M.F., Hernández-Hernández, N., Rodríguez-Santos, A., Ludwig, A., Riebesell, U., Arístegui, J., 2018. Plankton Community Respiration and ETS Activity Under Variable CO2 and Nutrient Fertilization During a Mesocosm Study in the Subtropical North Atlantic. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:310.

Hernández-Hernández, N., Bach, L.T., Montero, M.F., Taucher, J., Baños, I., Guan, W., Espósito, M., Ludwig, A., Achterberg, E.P., Riebesell, U., Arístegui, J., 2018. High CO2 Under Nutrient Fertilization Increases Primary Production and Biomass in Subtropical Phytoplankton Communities: A Mesocosm Approach. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:213

Benavides, M., Bonnet, S., Hernández, N., Martínez Pérez, A.M., Nieto-Cid, M., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Baños, I., Montero, M.F., Mazuecos, I.P., Gasol, J.M., Osternolz, H. Dittmar, T., Berman-Frank, I., Arístegui, J., 2016. Basin-wide N2 fixation in the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea.