Additional information:
Ignacio Alonso Bilbao
Ignacio Alonso finished his degree in Ocean Sciences at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1987, and his PhD in 1993 at the same university in Coastal Processes. Part of his PhD was done in the University of Florida (USA), where he was working under the guidance of professor Bob Dean on beach morphodynamics, as well as at University of Cantabria (Spain) where he worked on beach profiles data with Dr Raúl Medina. Later on he passed several months at University of Bangor (UK) collaborating with Dr Gary Reid in physical modelling of the initiation of movement for sediment particles under waves and currents. He has been involved in several regional, national and European research projects and is author of more than 30 peer-review papers.
Research interests
- Coastal processes and coastal sediment transport.
- Beach-dune interaction and evolution.
- Island and continental shelves processes.
Latest Publications
Ignacio Alonso Bilbao