Additional information:
Isabel Montoya Montes
Isabel Montoya Montes, geologist (Univ. Complutense de Madrid), completed her MSc in marine geomorphology, at Univ. Complutense de Madrid in collaboration with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, and her PhD in coastal geology and littoral risk assessment, at Univ. Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain), where she became Lecturer. In 2014, she moved to São Paulo (Brazil), and obtained a permanent position as Assistant Professor at Oceanographic Institute (University of São Paulo). From the second half of 2016 she is part of the teaching team in the Marine Sciences Faculty at Univ. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Isabel has led research projects related to marine geomorphology and sedimentary processes on the continental shelf using geophysical techniques and collecting sediment cores. Moreover, she has participated in several projects analysing the geomorphological evolution of coastal sedimentary systems (dunes and beaches), through GPS-D topographic surveys and GIS geospatial analysis.
Research interests
- Coastal processes and coastal geomorphology
- Marine geomorphology and marine sedimentation
- Geographic Information Systems in coastal and marine environments
Latest Publications
Isabel Montoya Montes