Laia Armengol Bové

Additional information: 

Postdoctoral researcher in the CSIC/ULPGC Associated Unit: Ocean and Climate

Research interests: 

Factors influencing microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton

Recent publications

Armengol, L., Franchy, G., Ojeda, A., Hernández-León, S., 2020. Plankton Community Changes From Warm to Cold Winters in the Oligotrophic Subtropical Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:677.

Armengol, L., Calbet, A., Franchy, G., Rodríguez-Santos, A., Hernández-León, S., 2019. Planktonic food web structure and trophic transfer efficiency along a productivity gradient in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Scientific Reports 9, 2044.

Armengol, L., Franchy, G., Ojeda, A., Santana-del Pino, A., Hernández-León, S., 2017. Effects of copepods on natural microplankton communities: do they exert top-down control? Marine Biology, 164:136.