María Dolores Pérez Hernández
M. Dolores Pérez-Hernández is a permanent researcher at IOCAG. She received a bachelor's degree in Marine Science from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 2009 and a master's degree in Oceanography in 2011. Since 2015, she has held a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography. During her Ph.D., she did three internships, each lasting three months, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, respectively. Then, in 2015, she took a three-year postdoctoral research position at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
From August 2017 to May 2018, she worked part-time on her postdoctoral research while starting to work as a permanent scientist at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland. During this latter stage, she went twice to the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen on research stays.
She worked at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute until late 2019. She then moved back to the Canary Islands as a postdoctoral investigator with the Viera y Clavijo contract for excellent researchers.
In 2021, she was promoted to associate professor and currently is the Secretary of the IOCAG..
Research interests
Ocean circulation and dynamics in a changing climate; structure, dynamics, and variability of boundary currents, inter-gyre/basin exchanges, Meridional overturning Circulation, observational techniques (traditional observations, autonomous new platforms, reanalysis and satellite data), complementing observations with models.
Latest Publications
María Dolores Pérez Hernández