
+34 928451924



Additional information:

Alejandro Lomoschitz Mora-Figueroa

Dr. Alejandro Lomoschitz is Senior Lecturer of Applied Geology and Soil Mechanics in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

BSc. Geological Sciences UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and PhD. Earth Sciences UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona). In 1992 took an Intl. Course on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering at CEDEX Study Center, Madrid, Spain.

Their Research fields of interest are: Geology and Geomorphology of Volcanic Islands; Large landslides, rock- and debris-avalanches; Geology of sedimentary deposits bearing marine and terrestrial fossils; Paleogeography of areas with paleoclimatic interest; North Atlantic Paleoclimates and Sea Level changes.

In the Industry, he has worked for 12 years as a Consultant Geologist in projects and works of Civil Engineering and Building. Nowadays, he is a member of GEOGAR (Regional and Applied Geology) Research Group at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Other fields of interest and hobbies are: Art History and Prehistoric sites, reading, snorkeling, trekking and take pictures with his camera or his smartphone.

Research interests

  • Geological recognition of large landslides and rock falls.
  • Geology and Geomorphology of oceanic islands.
  • Geology and Stratigraphy of palaeontological sites, Sedimentology and Palaeogeographical interpretation.
  • Palaeoclimate evolution and Climate Change influence on civil works.